Ensuring Critical Data Availability with Back Up Solution


When a business experience data loss, their business activities will undoubtedly be disrupted. Therefore, having data backups is key to ensure business continuity when such events happen. In fact, according to StorageCraft, the most common causes of data loss are viruses, malware, and ransomware (31%), followed by both hardware or system failure and human errors (29%). Moreover, the average cost of per lost or stolen record in 2017 was $141 (Ponemon). Based on these statistics, having a backup of your data should no longer take a backseat.

Data backup is a process of duplicating existing data so that it can be retrieved and restored if data loss occurs. This can be done in two ways, on-premise or offsite. On-premise data backup can be achieved by utilizing a backup software or an existing hardware medium, such as hard disk and tapes. Meanwhile, offsite data backup can be achieved by putting your hardware in a remote location or to the cloud. Additionally, there are three types of data backup available, full, differential, and incremental backup. The three types of data backup will be discussed in detail next week.

The existence of cloud computing has become a trend in every aspect of doing business, including data backup. In fact,by 2018, the number of enterprises using the cloud as a backup destination will double, up from 11% at the beginning of 2016 (Gartner). Thus, it is not surprising that MarketsandMarkets predicts that the cloud segment will hold the largest market size in the data backup and recovery market during 2017-2022. Perhaps, the rising statistics of cloud in data backup is due to the benefits of utilizing it such as security from natural disasters.

The recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union require businesses to have data encryption procedures, including the data backup itself so that it will not be accessible to hackers. In addition, businesses must be capable of restoring owner’s access in case of hacking or technical failure. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, businesses must open data and disaster recovery centers locally so that the government can protect the data of Indonesian citizens.

Having a data back up solution in place is essential for every business, as data loss can have numerous economic consequences. CTI Group through its subsidiaries has a proven track record in assisting businesses to fulfill their backup and disaster recovery needs. Contact us to begin backing up your data in a secure and trusted way.

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