CTI IT Infrastructure Summit 2018 Offers Insightful Knowledge about Blockchain


The fifth CTI IT Infrastructure Summit has been successfully held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Pacific Place in South Jakarta on March 7th, 2018. With a theme of “Blockchain: The Next Digital Revolution in Every Industry”, CTI IT Infrastructure Summit 2018 showed how blockchain offers a great potential to disrupt all industries and how business could gain the full benefit of it.

The Blockchain Potential

Most people know blockchain as the magic behind Bitcoin, and sometimes they can’t even differentiate between the two. But the truth is blockchain has bigger potential than the cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

Rachmat Gunawan, the Director of CTI Group, explained that the blockchain technology will at least disrupt 19 industries; from the financial industry where blockchain will remove the intermediary function in the transaction process, to the health industry where blockchain can provide a quicker and more accurate diagnosis.

Furthermore, Gunawan also added that in order to adopt the technology, companies need to pay attention to several important aspects such as operational, skills, business process, company culture, technology, and the digital maturity. Not to mention some of the challenges that might come along the way, like security, data management, and lack of skills.

Outstanding Speakers from Various Industries

Every year, CTI IT Infrastructure Summit is eager to conduct the most comprehensive IT event. In doing so, many professionals from various industries were invited so that participants can learn about blockchain technology from various perspectives. This year, CTI IT Infrastructure Summit 2018 invited 22 professionals to share their knowledge about the revolutionary technology.

Jonathan Krause, the Vice President (Southeast Asia) of Gartner Advisory and Fitra Suryanto, Head of Presales from Dell EMC Indonesia, acted as the keynote speakers of the event. Furthermore, CTI IT Infrastructure Summit 2018 also offered four track sessions, each of which led by different keynote speakers: R. Robby (Digital Lead Accenture Indonesia), Hasto Prastowo, Acting Head of Digital Economy Vulnerability Identification and Risk Assessment Directorate of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Yessie D. Yosetya (Independent Director of PT XL Axiata, Tbk), and Andeka Putra (CIO of PT Blue Bird Group).

There was also a panel discussion in which participants could gain more insightful knowledge about blockchain technology. The panel was led by Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit (Chairman of Aptikom) to three panelists on stage, namely Oscar Darmawan (CEO Bitcoin Indonesia), Tim Utama (Head of Operations and Technology from Citibank Indonesia), and Jonathan Krause.

The iCIO Awards 2018

Conference and panel discussion was not the only agendas of CTI IT Infrastructure Summit 2018. Each year, the event also honors the iCIO Awards as an appreciation to Chief Information Officer (CIO) and senior IT staff who managed to lead their organizations by delivering business value and innovative use of IT in exceptional ways.

The iCIO Awards 2018 were given to Rico Usthavia Frans (Director Digital & Technology of PT Bank Mandiri, Tbk) as The Most Influential CIO; Dadang Setiabudi (SEVP Information Technology of PT Bank Negara Indonesia, Tbk) as The Most Innovative CIO, and Setiaji (Head of Unit Jakarta Smart City, DKI Jakarta Government) as The Most Intelligent CIO.

Starting from this year, iCIO Awards also presents an award for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who support their CIO to continue delivering an innovative use of IT to achieve the organization’s target. It was Tigor M. Siahaan (CEO of PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk) that has been awarded as The Most Inspiring CEO for the first time.

CTI IT Infrastructure Summit will continue to provide knowledge, update, and the latest IT trends as parts of CTI’s commitment to improving service and support to its business partners and end-customers. See you next year!

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