How WAN Optimizer Works


Companies with multiple offices tend to have network connection problem when there is a high traffic on WAN (Wide Area Network). Through WAN optimizer, companies are not only preventing the delays from happening but also obtaining other significant benefits. As we can see from the last article (No More Delays with WAN Optimization), WAN optimizer technology could maximize efficiency and increase the speed of applications and information access between the company’s data center and the branch offices as well as simplify remote backup of data when a failure happens.

Delayed data access because of bandwidth limitation, could severely impact application performance, affected business communication and decrease productivity. According to Procedia Computer Science, WAN Optimizer could decrease delay from 287 milliseconds to 0.604 milliseconds for file size 93 MB and jitter increased 12.4% better. We can conclude that WAN Optimization makes process of data transfer becomes more efficient both in bandwidth and time during working hours.

Aside from bandwidth problem, latency and chatty protocols are also some issues of WAN performance that companies should be concerned about. WAN optimizer is one fine solution to tackle those issues and increase the capacity of large network to improve its performance. The solution simply works through these prominent techniques:

  1. Caching

Caching has the ability to store frequently requested information or site. Therefore, caching technique can help to reduce and save bandwidth, and also make more efficient in transmission of data over the WAN.

  1. Compression

Compression tackles the problem of limited bandwidth by reducing the amount of data that has to be sent over the WAN using a variety of data compression techniques. This technique is not based on disk dictionary but on data included within the frame.

  1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a technique which can provide large reduction in the volume of information traveling over the WAN. By delivering information from local data stores, data reduction helps to provide LAN-like performance across the WAN.

  1. Data Deduplication

It is a process of procrastinating the sending of redundant or surplus data across the WAN by transferring references instead of the data itself. As by working at byte level, benefits are attained across IP applications.

  1. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Optimization

This technique is used to overcome delays caused by congestion, latency and packet losses, all of which combine to slowdown traffic on the WAN by helping the network avoid packet drops and out-of-order delivery or by tinkering with the TCP flows directly and adjusting drop-back/ramp-up behaviors.

With such benefits, a WAN could carry to connect people, applications, and data, it is time to optimize the solution to make your business possible. As a value-added distributor, CTI Group offers you a wide portfolio of products and services to help you streamline your network traffic and improve business performance with excellent network speeds between multiple office locations.

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