IoT vs IIoT


IoT, Internet of Things, is often referred to a “smart” object. Everything from cars, home appliances to shoes and light switches that connect to the internet, passing and receiving data and connecting the physical world to the digital world are considered as smart object. But did you know there are two concepts used in defining IoT?

Other than the IoT we mentioned above, there is another similar concept called IIoT, stands for Industrial Internet of Things. Both concepts have the same main character of availability, intelligent and connected devices. The only difference between those two is their general usages. While IoT is most commonly used for consumer usage, IIoT is used for industrial purpose such as manufacturing, supply chain monitor and management system. This illustration below will give you clearer picture about both concepts.


IoT vs IIoT
IOT and IIoT Concept


Focus Development

IIoT uses more sophisticated devices to extend existing manufacturing and supply chain monitor to provide broader, more detailed visibility and enable automated controls and accomplished analytic.

On the other hand, IoT is developed with the concept of using smart devices to improve consumer convenience, where human interacts with devices to gain some benefits. For example, connected home appliances will reduce your monthly bills by managing your resource usage such as automatically turning off electricity when you leave home, or adjusting the room temperature based on current weather.


Degree of Application

Since IIoT is developed to handle critical machines, IIoT uses more sensitive and precise sensors in the plant, including more location-aware technologies on the supply chain side with sophisticated, advanced controls and analytics. However, on the contrary, IoT uses a simpler application with low-risk impact. It is undoubtedly that IoT device will grow higher with less expensive price than IIoT, considering its production volume and technology capabilities.


Separated Area of Interest

IIoT connects critical machines and sensors in high-stakes industries such as aerospace, defence, healthcare and energy. These are the systems in which failure often results in life-threatening or other emergency situations.

IoT, on the other hand, tends to be consumer-level devices with low risk impact when failure happens. They are important and convenient, but breakdowns do not immediately create emergency situations.

The implementation of IoT technology is here and now. Understanding the difference between IoT and Industrial IoT (IIoT) will give you a better understanding on how the emerging Industrial Internet will provide business with a new growth opportunity and improve your performance even better. As one of the most reputable with years of experience in IT Industry, CTI Group could help you reap the many benefits of using IoT technology for your business. To find out how we can help you, please check our latest solution of Solution eCatalogue.

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