Preventing Threats and Hackers Against Your Endpoints


Enterprises are constantly fighting to keep their sensitive data safe from emerging cyber threats by deploying a combination of cyber security measures, started from application security (Building Secure Application to Prevent Breaches), data security (Enhancing Data Security in Today’s Threat) to network security (What You Need to Know About Network Security). However, without securing the endpoints, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, which become an entry point for threats, those three measures might be a waste.

Aside from smartphone, tablet or laptop, many other endpoints, namely point-of-sale (POS) devices, printers, mobile devices, and wearable devices are connected into company’s network. Those devices become a perfect entrance for hackers because they often sit outside the control of the corporate network. According to Enterprise Strategy Group’s research, many enterprises experience a recurrence of ransomware incidents with 22% saying the same ransomware infected the same endpoints, and 38% noting that the same ransomware had infected other endpoints.

Endpoint security refers to a methodology of protecting the corporate network when accessed via remote devices such as laptops or other wireless and mobile devices. An increasing number of endpoint users has required enterprises to provide an extra protection against advanced threats that continue to expose endpoint devices. Frequently updating, upgrading, and patching endpoint operating system could decrease endpoint vulnerabilities and avoid attacks. Strong endpoint security also helps companies avoid downtime and keep important systems and files accessible.

Delivering a tough endpoint security in an increasingly mobile environment, however, comes with some challenges for businesses. Businesses who lack of IT resources and do not have an in-house expertise, will be struggling in dealing with routine user problems, let alone proactively defending the company against security threats. Other challenges are limited or non-existent personal computer (PC) management systems to ensure updated and consistent software installations and PC configurations and human negligence due to lack of security training and awareness.

Despite all the challenges, businesses are seeking an easier way for transporting data across multiple devices and outside the physical office environment. Therefore, more and more types of endpoint are being used. CTI Group, as your IT solution partner will help your security team fights against advanced threats to your endpoints using the latest technology.

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