Six Ways to Secure Your Business Network


Server message block (SMB), denial-of-service (DoS), and worm are some of the most common attacks to a network that businesses should be aware of due to possible confidential data theft and tangible cost that follows (What You Need to Know About Network Security). With the proper network security in place, your system can detect emerging threats before they infiltrate your network and compromise on company’s data, because the faster the network vulnerabilities can be identified, the lower the cost.

The need for a safe and secure network in this competitive business world cannot be overlooked. According to Ponemon Institute research in 2017, the average total cost of data breach is $3.62 million, meanwhile the average cost per lost or per stolen record is $141. To avoid your company from bearing the cost, applying multiple layers of security is necessary, because there is no single system could give complete protection against every threat to your network. We summarize six ways for you to improve your network security and avoid attacks:

  1. Create a Network Security Policy

Such network policies are written documents that outline user policies about who can access the network, what limitations and privileges do they have, and so on. The policy essentially revolves around identifying important data assets, carrying out risk assessment tests, and creating a disaster recovery plan.

  1. Adopt a Strong Password Policy

Network administrators should enforce device owners to create passwords that are complex in nature and not something that is picked out of dictionary. It is also a healthy practice to make passwords expire every 60 or 90 days so that the password complexity reshuffles and remains complicated.

  1. Keep the Network Up-to-Date

After securing your network access points through strong passwords, you should dig deeper to make your network infallible against any hazardous attacks. So consider updating the operating system, antivirus, firmware, device drivers and other software in all endpoint devices.

  1. Strengthen the Human Link

Most employees are not aware of the dangers involved in network security, so spreading the word through posters, emails, and workshops is of paramount importance.

  1. Block Users from Installing Software

Many corporations suffer from malware attacks and data loss because not all employees who are given the download privileges are well versed in distinguishing safe websites from malicious. Facilitates the installation through their admin credentials will guarantee the network safety.

  1. Install a Trustworthy Firewall

Firewall application will keep an eye for all the unauthorized processes and block them while letting the safe ones access your network. A trustworthy personal firewall application will police your network based on the security policies you have laid out.

What if your network has been hacked? Once it has been attacked, you could do few steps to recover your network system. You should verify the attack on your network by gathering as much information as quickly as possible, strategically isolate and take offline only the impacted applications to allow business operations, clean up and restore the affected systems, and make sure to fix the hole used to gain access to your network.

Network security is everybody’s business. With an intelligent policies, everyone cooperation, and consistent practices, it will be achievable. CTI Group as a value-added distributor will provide you network security solutions to ensure your business is free from today’s network attacks.

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